Katherine Brett
last night / me
reluctant to go out
sore soles
yet anticipating what?
an aimlessness contained by tight fists
/ him / standing
somehow manages to be / born / before 1974
somehow manages a smile disguised as a hook
his hat still orange
he says he’s seen me before
that makes me wonder how many other people have seen me
& stayed silent
mouth sewn shut
by tequila sour & dizzy / articulate
how the head has no hair
but the jaw / patchy and gray
grooms me as if I am the lion’s
cub runs away as an antelope
my head slammed against a windshield
where have my protective antlers failed me
perhaps back at the bar
where the warmth took away my pecking order
trusting those circle framed glasses
Katherine Brett is a poet who was born and raised in Boise, ID. She got her foot in the door by competing in slam poetry three years ago and has since competed at the state and national level. She has since been published in Rose Quartz Mag, self-produced a collaborative zine titled Eggwax and can be found sharing her writing wherever welcome. You may find them on instagram at @cryingonmylunchbreak