Mara Bateman

Mara Bateman lives in Boise, Idaho and spent her growing-up years in Western Oregon. Her writing has appeared in the 2021, 2023 and upcoming 2024 editions of the Writers in the Attic Anthology, Grim & Gilded, Death Rattle Literary’s Ekphrasis: Poetry, and the Boise Weekly. She is the creator of This Poem Is For You: Horoscopic Poetry by an Unlicensed Bystander. When Mara is not busy writing strange little poems or picking away at a manuscript, she enjoys bike rides, sitting near flowering plants and/or running water, and kissing her cats repeatedly on the face, an activity which they also enjoy very much. Find Mara at, or on Instagram @jajabird.


Veronica Schorr


Dameien Nathaniel